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Tag: visual

  • Hansa Yellow – Color of the Day

    What a bright cheery yellow and a bright cherry bird!  Hansa Yellow Opaque by Golden Paints is so fun!  

  • Textured Gesso

    Now that you have discovered some effective ways to gesso a canvas, how about adding some texture in your next layer.  There are several ways to do this. I found a great detailed account using gesso and texture paste by Creative Flair Scrapbooking.  I really love their album of steps and finished painting. And if…

  • Green Gold – Color of the Day

    I love the color green gold that Golden Paint makes.  It works well as a complimentary color to many of the bright colors that I use in my birds.  Green gold in wikipedia discusses the naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver that creates a green gold.  In terms of creating this alloy, the maker…

  • Saratoga Library and Main Street Cafe Exhibits

    In preparation for SV Open Studios I am showing a couple pieces of art around town. Saratoga Library March 4 – May 1, 2014 Main Street Cafe and Books March 29 – April 26, 2014                     p.s. I just found out that I will also be…

  • Adding Color to Gesso

    Mix some of you acrylic paint into your gesso and never have to worry about a white canvas again! This trick works wonders and there are several companies that make colored gesso if you don’t want to mix uisng your paints, like Holbein Acryla.  And if you like the color, try the black gesso!  It…

  • SV Open Studios May 3 and 4

      I have just started getting my inventory together for this year’s open studios May 3 and 4.  I will again be showing with my artist friend Krishna Mitra.  I really enjoy the artists she has continued to gather at her home each open studios.  All of our work reflects the nature around us.  Click…

  • Croquet Ball Art

    An artist friend of mine asked me to paint a bird on a vintage croquet ball as part of her bird wall.  I must say painting on a three dimensional surface was definitely a very different experience. She shared this picture and text online “A beautiful vintage croquet ball painted for me by a fellow…

  • Gesso Techniques

    It is interesting to see how other artists work in the same mediums. I found artist Will Kemp and read about how he dilutes his layers of gesso from thin to thick. This layering technique will create a smooth surface on your canvas. If you want to check out how to do this visit his…

  • Gessoing Canvas Tips

    I get asked all the time if I gesso my canvas. I do often buy the pre-primed canvas at the art supply store, but I do find that it is not smooth enough for my style of painting. I found this video by Howcast and it is exactly how I do mine (minus the mixing…

  • Love Birds – New Commissioned Art

    It is so fun to see what people are drawn to.  This piece was inspired by another love birds silhouette painting of sparrows in love.  It was fun to play around will my paper scraps and see what this 6 x 6 canvas starts to create.  What a little beauty!